Brazil's Path Towards NetZero
BloombergNEF's latest report revealed how many regions are progressing toward the goal of tripling renewable energy by 2030. According to the survey, China is the only country that is likely to meet this commitment, even if it is not investing in a variety of energy sources and focusing primarily on solar energy. It should be noted, however, that each country contributes to global warming at different levels: while the United States urgently needs to triple its energy production to effectively contribute to the goal that the increase in global temperature does not exceed 2°C, Brazil already has progressed a lot, for example.
Brazil is known for its pioneering investment in renewable and low-carbon energy. The country's electricity comes mostly from hydroelectric plants, with only 15% coming from non-renewable energy. Solar energy is another predominant source of electricity that, despite having relevant disadvantages, contributes immensely to the country's energy matrix. In this context, tripling production is unrealistic for 2030, since this would mean practically reaching netzero in the electricity field in seven years.
If, on the one hand, electricity production is mostly clean, on the other hand, Brazil is very dependent on oil and its derivatives in several sectors. According to data from the Energy Research Company, almost half of the energy to power vehicles and industries comes from fossil fuels such as oil, natural gas and coal. Therefore, it is recommended to focus on investing in the decarbonization of industry, buildings, transport and agriculture at this time.
By replacing Diesel and high carbon intesity products with Natural Gas, biomethane, biogas, ethanol, biodiesel, among others, Brazil can get closer to an even cleaner energy matrix. Our purpose at Macaw is to promote infrastructure and an effective midstream to reduce dependence on high carbon energies and offer a sustainable solution for industries, transport and communities. With the efforts directed towards these sectors, we are able to contribute to a Brazil that is possibly net-zero by 2050.
You can find more information about our solutions here.